North Coast School of Education

Permit Holders Professional Development Series


NCSOE’s Permit Holder Professional Development Series, in partnership with accredited School Districts, provides Permit Holders employed as a “teacher of record” support and specialized training that meets the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing’s (CCTC) requirements and responsibilities for employing teachers who hold a Provisional Intern Permit (PIP) or a Short Term Staff Permit (STSP) and their Mentors.

Through participation in NCSOE’s program, the district/school site assigns each Permit Holder a site-based Mentor who assists the Permit Holder in developing their personalized professional development plan. Mentors play a critical role in the Permit Holder’s success. Their individualized coaching and “just in time” support are essential in guiding them through the process of developing their teaching practice. NCSOE supports Mentors by providing standards-based training grounded in theoretical research that builds upon the Mentor’s knowledge and skills. NCSOE requires Permit Holders to work with their Mentors and participate in district-sponsored professional development.

Upon completion of the personal professional development plan and meeting licensure requirements, the Permit Holder would then apply to an education preparation program, or upon passing state tests, would be recommended by their credential agency to the CCTC for their California Preliminary Credential.


Always use the same email address for each of the following NCSOE accounts:

  • NCSOE program enrollment (online enrollment form)
  • NCSOE/SCOE account (class registration for live synchronous classes)
  • Canvas account (online asynchronous coursework and where you track program progress/completion)

Do you need to update your email? Read these Instructions.

NCSOE sends program communications through MailChimp and Canvas. To make sure you receive these important messages, we strongly recommend that you add the following emails to your Contacts:

  • - eNews (Mailchimp)
  • - Course Notifications (Canvas)

Enrollment Steps:

  1. Receive your Mentor Assignment: Talk with your Administrator or NCSOE District Coordinator about being matched to a Mentor Teacher* who will support you through your program experience (assignment occurs within 30 days of program enrollment).
    * Virtual Mentors available upon request for hard-to-match credentials.
  2. Enroll in Permit Holder Professional Development Series by completing the Permit Holder Enrollment Form. ENROLL HERE
  3. Attend a Program Orientation: Register for and attend a Permit Holder Program Orientation with your Mentor. Registration opens in August 2023. REGISTER HERE


Always use the same email address for each of the following NCSOE accounts:

  • NCSOE program enrollment (online enrollment form)
  • NCSOE/SCOE account (class registration for live synchronous classes)
  • Canvas account (online asynchronous coursework and where you track program progress/completion)

Do you need to update your email? Read these Instructions.

NCSOE sends program communications through MailChimp and Canvas. To make sure you receive these important messages, we strongly recommend that you add the following emails to your Contacts:

  • - eNews (Mailchimp)
  • - Course Notifications (Canvas)

Enrollment Steps for New and Returning Mentors:

  1. Enroll in NCSOE: As soon as you have been assigned to a mentee, complete the Mentor Enrollment Form. ENROLL HERE
    • All Mentors, even if returning from a previous year, must complete the enrollment form each year.
    • If you receive an additional mentee assignment after having completed the enrollment form, please contact your Program Coordinator so we can update our records.
  2. Enroll in the The Launch Canvas Course: This online welcome Canvas course is updated each year to provide important program information, updates and next steps. Course opens in August 2023. ENROLL HERE
  3. Attend a Program Orientation: Register for and attend a program Orientation with your mentee. Registration will open in August 2023. REGISTER HERE
  4. Begin meeting the Mentor Academy Requirements: Registration will open in August 2023. REGISTER HERE
    • New NCSOE Mentors (Mentors in their 1st year of mentoring with NCSOE):
      Register for and attend required Mentor Academy (MAC 301, 302 & 303).
    • Returning Mentors (Mentors in their 2nd year of mentoring with NCSOE):
      Register for and attend the following Mentor Academies (MAC 304, 305 & 306).
    • Experienced Mentors (Mentors in their 3rd or more years mentoring with NCSOE):
      Register for and attend the Fall and Spring Mentor Collaboratives (MAC 321 & 322).

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