North Coast School of Education

NCSOE MAC301 Mentor Academy: Goal Setting and The Inquiry Process 10/17/19 (SCOE)

Mentors provide coaching with an inquiry-based, extended analysis of teaching practice to help participating teachers develop enduring professional skills through the use of a long-term plan of action and a professional portfolio. This interactive Academy highlights the inquiry process step-by-step, providing time to practice using standards with goal-setting and role-playing, to develop inquiry-based questions, to explore how to use data and reflection to inform instruction, and to use resources and apply learning to specific NCSOE programs. This offering is appropriate for teacher leaders/mentors working with or who are interested in working with participants in the North Coast Teacher Induction Program, the Intern Support & Supervision Program, or the Permit Holders Program and satisfies the requirement of attending at least 3 Mentor Academies a year.

Sessions for this Class:

Day of Week Time Dates

Thursday, October 17, 2019 | 4:00pm - 6:00pm

with NCSOE Staff

Covered through district MOU.


Sonoma County Office of Education (SCOE)
5340 Skylane Boulevard Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Online Registration will be available 09/20/2019

Have Questions?

Get in touch.

NCSOE Staff, (707) 524-2818,
Susan Takami,